Proposals and solutions to reduce the phenomenon of child recruitment through the media

Assistant Lecturer. Basma Abboud Majeed - Assistant Lecturer, Sahar Khalil Ismail

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This study aims to find solutions and proposals to reduce the phenomenon of child recruitment through the Internet. The Internet combines the written, audio, visual and electronic features. It is one of the easiest methods used by terrorist groups to control the minds of children and recruit them through this method. Including the role of national, religious and jihad, and the importance of the current research of the importance of the subject and the breadth of his circle as the phenomenon of child recruitment is a very serious phenomenon that exposed the lives of children to serious risks such as death, injury or mutilation or exposure to Attitudes that affect their physical and psychological development, and can benefit from such research through the solutions and proposals to reduce the phenomenon of child recruitment, the research is divided into three sections, including conclusions, solutions and proposals to reduce this phenomenon.


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