The phenomenon of violence against women (causes, motives, and consequences)

Dr.. Siham Oreibi Zayed

0 899



It is a global phenomenon that suffers from both developed and developing societies. It is a complex phenomenon that causes a number of health, psychological, social, economic and even legal problems for women. Barbarism and aggression are still stuck in the behavior of some in dealing with life based on the method of violence against the other, it is a problem that is constantly settling in the humanitarian arena at the same time to confiscate human security and human progress through the exercise of control and forced violence against the weakest. Although we are Arab Muslim societies that urge our Islamic religion to treat women well and to respect their rights and material rights, we see the phenomenon of violence in our societies. Helping to move towards more peaceful cultural norms, caring for families to find solutions that are compatible with each family, strengthening religious faith and correct education, emphasizing the culture of dialogue and consultation within the family, and adopting methods of preaching and counseling in a statement of the danger of injustice and Beating, insulting and insulting



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