Manifestations of peaceful coexistence During the era of the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace)

Dr. Siham Oreibi Zayed

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Islam has made its goal to achieve justice and equality among the people and to spread the spirit of love and tolerance among the people of society in order to build a strong nation that can achieve for all its children what they dream of. And to this day multi-religious, the Koran has established clear rules for the human family, Islam is that all people are created from the same one, and this means the unity of the human origin, and the people are all members of the human family and they have the right to live and dignity without exception, man is honored in the eyes of the Holy Quran without regard to his religion, color or gender, ) And We have carried them on land and sea, and we have provided them with good things and preferred them to many of us who have created us. 70. The difference can not be a cause of hostility, but must be a reason for acquaintance and good work.

  1. Tolerance Islam’s fixed doctrine and coexistence with others regardless of their identity, beliefs, cooperation and joint action
  2. Dialogue is the basis of human relations and mutual respect
  3. Recognition of diversity is the way to peaceful coexistence and interaction

To complement the current research, researcher Maayati recommended

  1. Work to spread the culture of tolerance and renounce intolerance in all its forms
  2. Adhering to ethical principles



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